
Kamis, 15 April 2010

Practical Tips for Building Adsense Websites

. Google Adsense has changed over the years but it remains as one of the most reliable and efficient ways to earn cash online. It also offers a solid method of using advertisements to earn money. Since most of the technical work is done by the company, website owners simply have to strategize carefully in order to make their sites compatible with high-paying Google ads. But since much of the control over which ads are placed on your website is out of your hands, can you truly build an Adsense-ready website? We look at the ways you can make this possible:

Build A Site With Adsense In Mind.

In a vast marketplace called the Internet, there are some happy accidents. A few blessed site owners were just happily typing along, providing great content in their industry-specific sites and lo and behold, Google Adsense came a-calling. Not only that, Google liked their sites so much it even placed high-value ads just to show its appreciation.

But like we said, these are happy accidents and if you rely on them, you have a 50-50 chance of succeeding. If you truly want to build an Adsense website, you have to make sure your efforts don't go unnoticed.

To build a site designed for Adsense, follow these steps:

Focus On Providing Content.

Not just plain content but good, high-quality content. The kind that people will want to read, the kind that attracts other sites. The key considerations here are relevancy and value. Google Adsense is notorious for being picky about the websites it places ads with.

Putting up a website with some content will not cut it. Your site has to offer consistently great content. So polish up your copywriting skills, research your articles, post useful write-ups or if you haven't got the time to do it, hire someone to provide content for your website.

Also, if you want to build an Adsense website, don't build a directory site. Google Adsense ads are rarely placed here.

Be In Good Company.

Google places value on the types of links your website has. The better the links are, the higher your website's value. Think of it as getting the thumbs up sign from recognizable and respected people in your industry. This, in spite of the fact that you yourself are not as famous as they are. Once Google reviews your website for Adsense, they will find excellent links and let you run quality Adsense ads.

Put Value In The Structure Of Your Website.

Other than content and links, a Google Adsense website is a well-constructed piece of work. If your pages often hold up a sign that says, 'Under Construction', Google won't bother with you. Try to eliminate or at least minimize any broken links and build a website that is well-designed and easy to navigate. A website that is easy to use is also attractive to visitors, who will otherwise leave in a huff if your website proves to be difficult and unfriendly.

Work With Keywords That Make More Money.

Some keywords cost just 5 cents while others can cost from $10 to $20 per click. These are the keywords you should go for. Imagine having 1,000 visitors clicking on a 5-cent ad versus 500 clicking on a $20 ad and you have an idea of the value of using the right keywords and phrases on your site.

Follow Google Adsense Policies.

Google has restrictions on certain issues, including sexual content, lewd language and materials that are unreliable. Check out their policies to find out within what boundaries you'll have to work. If you don't meet certain criteria, all your hard work will be ignored.

Optimize Your Website.

The more relevant you are to a certain topic or industry, the higher your chances of getting noticed. To build an Adsense website, focus on producing content and building links that increase the relevancy of your site. This helps place you in high rankings for search engine results. Produce content that will get you noticed and try to keep your offerings original. Original content has a better chance of getting good reviews than re-published ones.

Draw In Targeted Traffic.

If your site is all about football and you want to increase your relevancy for Google Adsense ads, your best bet is to attract traffic that likes football. They are more likely to click on your ads than people who aren't interested in your topic. Getting targeted traffic will help raise your revenues and help you earn more from your Adsense website.

8 Healthy Breakfast Tips


A lot of studies and research has shown that kids who eat breakfast perform better in school and have a healthier diet. Eating breakfast will help promote the proper growth and maximize school performance as well.

Breakfast is often times a victim of the morning time crunch. Even though you may be tempted to skip breakfast, you can simplify your morning routine by following these 8 tips:

1. Finish homework and pack school bags at night.

2. Decide on what your children will wear to school before you go to bed and locate lost shoes for the following day.

3. In the morning, get up 15 minutes earlier.

4. Give up computer games and morning television.

5. Have healthy foods on hand. You should also shop for breakfast foods with your kids and take into account their personal preferences.

6. Set the cereal out the night before. For younger children, fill a zippered plastic bag with her portion, then add the milk in the morning.

7. Allow your children to use the microwave often, as most breakfast foods can be prepared in under 5 minutes.

8. Allow your kids to eat in the car or on the way to school.

There are several foods that you can eat for breakfast, even leftovers from supper if they are sufficient. You can eat bagels, pizza with fruit juice, pretzels, or the normal bacon and eggs that breakfast is known for. Most foods are a snap to prepare, and won't take you but a few minutes.

The next time you are in a hurry in the morning, remember that you are probably about to skip the most important meal of the day. If you follow the tips above, you'll find that you have plenty of time for breakfast.

How to Generate Traffic from Articles

. The internet is an optimum source of information over the world wide web. As such, it is a given that people log on to the internet primarily because they are looking for something they want to know more about, read more about, or research more about. Given this fact, it becomes very important that your website is filled with useful content for people to read. It doesn't matter if you are keeping an information portal type of a website or an e-commerce site. You need content. You need articles. Keep in mind that these are the very things that could drive traffic to your site.

So how will your articles deliver a steady flow of visitors to your website? There are two ways. First, if you write about something that is related to your site and sprinkle some keywords in it, the search engines will notice your site more. Once you have your articles all written and ready, just upload it to your website. Just wait, sit back, and relax while the search engine robots crawl through them after a few days. The robots will then add those keywords to the algorithm and the search engine they belong to use them to compute the popularity of a certain keyword to your site.

If your site proves to be the one that contains the most relevant information about the keyword typed by the user, then your site will appear on the first page of the search results. It is a given that the higher your position in the search engine is, the better are the chances that the people who are using the search engine looking for something will click your site to check what you have to offer. The idea is simple - the more information rich articles you have uploaded and the more keywords you sprinkle in them, the higher are the chances your site get noticed by people.

But of course, we cannot discount the simple fact that your article on its own, can give you the traffic you want. There are slim chances that the story or the featured article you wrote about is the same with somebody else's if and when you have written it all by yourself. And so some people will definitely come looking for that piece of information you have. And if the unique articles you created contains the data internet users need, that should be enough pull.

Eventually, the same people will visit you frequently. If your website or your blog gives them the things they want, then you need not go out of your way to get traffic. Traffic will come to you naturally. There's not much technicality in this setup. All you really have to do is to upload numerous information-rich articles on your site and you should all set. But then again, you have to market your site some other way so that people will actually see your articles.

That leads us to the other effective method of using articles to generate traffic to your site. This is through the use of article directories. Article directories are websites whose primary purpose is to compile information rich articles submitted by their members. There are several of them out there today. And most of them follow stringent rules as to what types of articles you can upload. More often than not, you can only send articles that are highly informative with no distinct promotion for a service or a product.

These websites will publish your articles in their network. Your articles will then be available to all other internet users. The chances of your articles being read and spotted are higher if you submit them to article directories. This is because popular articles directories enjoy high page ranking. Your articles, provided you have chosen the right keywords, will definitely show on top of the search engine's list without much of a hassle on your part. In essence, you are riding the website's popularity and are using it to your advantage.

Now it doesn't end there. Article directories normally allow one live URL or backlink to their authors. They also provide some space wherein you can put a small description of yourself, your website, and your expertise. Therefore, with all of these working for you, plus a direct link to your website presented to the person surfing the internet interested in reading your article, you have higher chances of gaining people to actually come and visit your site just to find more information-rich articles like the one that engrossed them.