
Selasa, 27 Juli 2010

Fishing in Salt Water

There will always be challenges whether one decides to fish either in the river or in the open sea. The important thing to remember is to have patience waiting for the fish and doing your best to catch it when it appears.

To be able to fish, a person needs to get a fishing license since this is a requirement by law and the regulations regarding fishing varies from one state to the other.

The first thing one needs for salt water fishing is a boat. It can range from a simple row boat to a yacht. The size of this vessel depends on how many people will join the trip.

For people who will do it in-shore, a 15 foot sailboat that comes with a cuddy forward to serve as a shelter when it rains should do the job. The boat should not be heavy and yet adequately sturdy to not be swayed by the action of strong waves or some bumps on the beach or on the rocks.

One should always try the edges of the perimeter first instead of plopping bait or lure in the middle. This is because it will scare the other fish away. By going through the sides first, one will have a better chance of catching unsuspecting fish in the middle.

If one decides to go "down below" some time, a cod-line is a necessity for everybody to enjoy saltwater fishing. A perch-line will also be good and if it's time for mackerel fishing, a mackerel jig will be an excellent help.

The right time to start salt water fishing is on the ebb tide. This should be during an early time of the morning to ensure that the trip will be a productive one. This will put the tide in one’s favor and if the wind is light or not fair, this will also help in going home quickly.

The best place to start fishing is going to a fishing ground that is well known to the locals.

Many anglers who are too impatient move from one spot to another which at times make these people miss a hotspot further decreasing the chances of catching fish. It is advisable to cast out a couple of times before moving on using different types of bait. This should be done from the shallowest to the deepest point.

Sharks in the area can disrupt people from catching fish. By pouring some fish blood on a paper towel or newspaper and rolling it into a ball then casting it overboard, sharks will follow the current and leave the area increasing the chances of catching fish.

Coin Magic Tricks

Coin tricks are probably some of the oldest magic tricks known to man. Ever since the coin has been in existence, magicians have been trying to make it disappear, reappear, change size and even multiply into many coins. The coin tricks are the favorite among many magicians and audience members. Street magicians use coin tricks a lot in their acts also.

Learning a coin trick takes a lot of practice and you have to be good at sleight of hand. You have to have excellent dexterity and a lot of flourish to make your coin trick believable. People are skeptical by nature and if you don't practice your coin tricks enough, they will be able to spot your mistakes or be able to figure out how you did the trick. It is best to engage your audience with witty conversations or tell a few jokes as you are performing. This will keep them focused on you and what you are doing.

Always practice your coin tricks before performing them live. Practice in front of a mirror to perfect your hand movements, your facial movements and even your body language. All of these things work together for a successful magic trick.

Work hard at misleading your audience. Don't tell them what you are going to do. Instead lead them in the other direction. Some magicians even prefer to turn their magic act into a comedy show by pretending to be a bumbling idiot. If you mislead your audience in the opposite direction, they will lose focus and be even more amazed by your coin tricks. They will come away feeling more entertained also. You want to please your audience and give them the most for their money.

Keep learning a variety of new coin tricks to use on your audience. A good magician is ever evolving and learning new things. It is not a good idea to use the same old tricks over and over again. Incorporate new tricks into your act to keep your audience happy and entertained.

The most important rule in magic is never, ever, disclose how you do a magic trick. If your friends are insistent on learning some of your tricks, show them a few simple ones but don't give away your best, most amazing tricks. Guard these well. You don't want your fans to lose interest in you and they will if they know how you do all of your best coin tricks.

Coin magic tricks are a very popular part of any magic show. Just remember to practice, practice, practice. When you have mastered the coin magic tricks, practice some more. Incorporate a few coin tricks throughout your magic show and you will keep your audience entertained and ready for more.

Sabtu, 24 Juli 2010

How to Watch Free Movies Online a Legal Perspective

. It is the weekend, and the babysitter has canceled on their duties and there is this film that you have waited for since the announcement of its production. It is at this point that one decides to watch it online, possibly for free. However, with the tightening up of anti-piracy laws worldwide, it is important to watch free movies online from a legal website that does not engage in bootlegging. Many would say that because the film company is not making money by people watching these films online for free, many would argue that it is legal to watch them as long as they do not download for purposes of illegal distribution.

To begin with, because the film viewing is free, there is a chance that if the film is still on rotation in cinemas, then the copy will not be clear. Many would advise that it is better to wait until the film has aged a little bit so as to ensure that the version one finds online is a clearer version. One of the legal ways to watch a film is through video sites like YouTube, Google Video and which will not offer full film but instead have links to sites that have legal viewings and streamings of films being advertised on these sites. This is one way of getting the hassle of copyright issues off one's hands. Sites will either allow one to download the films to be watched on a computer or they can be streamed online meaning they cannot be downloaded.

A site can show films online for free because its copyright license expired, it was a site created via Open Source meaning it can be accessed by anyone or that given site has a license to show free movies. For a greater part, many sites that show free movies online are illegal because they are either copied from the theaters or the site does not own its rights. Many legal sites are affiliated with film companies and will usually charge a fee to allow for online viewing of their films and shows.

Sites like will offer not only a listing of films available, but also a review and rating of the films in its database. When one chooses the film they wish to watch, the site will show a listing of versions available as well as a link to sites that have a viewing of the film.

It is not just new films but also classics and old films that many people wish to watch on demand. it is for this reason that there are sites like which is a site that is legally and strictly all about old films. Other sites that one can visit include Amazon's 'Video on Demand' which will offer a host of free films and shows to watch but will let the public in on their entire database for a small fee.

8 Ways to Instantly Calm YourSelf

. We all have felt anxiety before. No matter how confident and relaxed you are, you know what it’s like to be nervous before an interview, trembling before a speech, or cold and clammy over the pending results of your graded quiz.

The point of this article is to provide you with eight different ways to release this tension. There are more powerful ways in which you can relax (as we will provide in our products) however this article provides eight ways you can use anywhere. Hardly anyone will actually notice that you are using them. You will not have to sit in a meditation position on the floor, or chant mantras to relax yourself… so no worries.

Also, notice the title of this article is not “…Calm Yourself Down”. We don’t calm down. We calm up.

Calming yourself involves not detaching yourself from your environment, but integrating yourself with it while you mentally move inward to obtain steadiness. You should not feel tired or detached. You should simply become “in the zone”: Alert, focused and relaxed.

Chair Press-Up

This one’s great for if you are waiting to give a speech or if you are nervous in a group setting. Simply put your feet flat on the floor. Put your hands on the arms of your chair. If your chair doesn’t have arms, place them on the edges of the seat. Brace yourself. Now, take a deep breath, and push up with your arms and feet as you exhale. Lock your arms – let your torso hang from your locked arms for a moment while you finish exhaling… long and deep. Go limp, but remain locked in the up position. Now sit back down. You feel like a noodle, and everything is cool.


Breathing is absolutely crucial to calming yourself. I recommend you do some in-depth research on Eastern styles of breathing, and how to breathe powerfully with your diaphragm. Breathe in strongly and slowly through your nose as you expand your diaphragm. Your stomach should rise, not your chest. Now, blow it out strongly and steadily through your mouth. Repeat this a few times. You can feel the tension leaving your body.

Spread Legs

This one may not seem like much, but it has serious subconscious value. When most people are relaxed (particularly us guys) we have a tendency to spread our legs slightly and take up more space. By consciously spreading your legs while sitting (or standing) you will take up more space, which is what we generally do when we are comfortable in a setting. Perform the action, and the feeling of comfort will follow.

Slouch Slightly

Yes, slouching is bad for your posture. Slouching for years will curve your spine. Slouching for a few minutes will not. This is another habit most people demonstrate when they are relaxed and comfortable: They slouch. So, next time you feel antsy about a situation, allow yourself to lean back your head and slouch slightly in your chair. Once again, the feeling will follow the action.

Power Hands

Powerful people are often calm, relaxed and comfortable in their actions. When they sit around a table, they often do one of two things with their hands: Steepling, or the hands-behind-the-head. To steeple, put your elbows on the table, and steeple your hands in front of your face – like the bad guy does in the movie when he’s going “M’yesss…. Muwahaha…. I can see it all coming together so perfectly…” Think of yourself as the bad guy when you steeple your hands. You know you are going to win. You steeple your hands as you turn over your master plan inside your head. Everything is falling into place so perfectly. Muwhaha. For more of a “corporate” power / relaxation effect, lean back in your chair and put your hands behind your head, lacing your fingers together. This is how bosses sit when they are talking to people who work for them. It has profound effects in making you feel more powerful and relaxed.


This is an incredible psychological tool we will cover in more depth in our products. Your subconscious mind anchors certain actions / stimuli with certain feelings and responses. Psychological anchors and triggers are used everywhere. It is the reason behind many strong emotional connections. If you had a song played at your wedding, hearing the song played at a later date may make you cry. The emotional event was your wedding, and you heard a song during it (the anchor). Thus, the song became tied to the feelings you felt during your wedding. Upon hearing the song again (the trigger) you feel the same feelings again.

Another example is if you became very ill once from a certain drink, you may become sick simply from smelling the drink in the future. The emotional event was becoming very ill, and the anchor was the drink. Therefore, smelling the drink in the future could make you sick very quickly. Anchors are used everywhere, in positive and negative emotions. To use them to calm yourself, develop a specific anchor every time you are calm. My anchor is to place my hand palm-down on my thigh. Every time I am relaxed, I do this, to reinforce the anchor. Then when I need to be calm, I simply fire the trigger (palm on the thigh) and my mind recreates the emotion tied to that anchor – which is relaxation. Pick an anchor you don’t use that much, such as touching your ear, or putting your hand on your knee. Do it whenever you are relaxed, and when you need to become relaxed, doing it will help to put you in that mental state.

Kill Internal Dialogue

There are many ways to do this, but here’s one good technique: If you are talking yourself into a worrisome state, or worrying while talking to someone during a conversation, do this immediately. Defocus your eyes, and open your peripheral vision. Look at two areas ahead of you, to each side. Picture your conscious thoughts in those areas. Now, draw your gaze up from both points at 45 degree angles until they meet in the high-center of your vision. Next bring the gaze straight down, so it is directly in front of you (a person’s face if you are talking to them). Now, picture your gaze coming straight back to your own head, as you return your consciousness to your own mind. Not only does it help increase focus, but the simple effort required to perform the exercise will often stop any distracting internal dialogue you are having at the time.


If you feel a general anxiety of your whole body, such as being self-conscious of your hands, feet, or body position, this exercise can work wonders. Close your eyes. Take a few deep, long breaths: in through your nose and out through your mouth. Place your tongue on your front pallet, directly above the backside of your upper teeth- this is effective in stimulating cross-lobe integration (and relaxation) in the brain. Picture a point far in front of you. Project your thoughts there in your mind. Continue breathing, and keep your thoughts there, until you are fully relaxed and have forgotten about clammy hands, sweaty feet, or mismatched socks. Once you are relaxed, slowly bring the point in front of you closer as you return to a fully aware state.

Minggu, 18 Juli 2010

Tips To Buy Used Piano From A Piano Store

The piano is probably one of the biggest and oldest musical instruments. With its immense versatility and beautiful sound, a piano has the capability to blend extremely well with other musical instruments. It can also prove to be an ideal solo instrument too. However, buying a piano can be quite tricky. There are a wide variety of pianos with various brands that could be chosen from. The sound, looks, effectiveness and features often vary to a large extent. Moreover, their price range varies too. It becomes very difficult to buy a piano unless one is sure about what he is looking for.

It is often suggested that the bigger a piano is, the better would its sound quality be. Also buying the more expensive one, even for a starter, would result in a rich sound experience. But these suggestions do not always hold true. This is the space saving age and it becomes extremely difficult to make space for a huge piano. Moreover, people with limited budget cannot always afford a high level brand new piano. But that does not mean they cannot ever own the musical instrument of their dreams. A lot of piano stores sell used piano. There are certain advantages of buying a used piano from these piano stores. Firstly, one can get the instrument of his choice at a much cheaper price than a brand new one. Since the depreciation of a piano is very less and one instrument is generally expected to last for almost forty to fifty years, a piano which is ten years old would still be in a good condition, enough to get along well for another thirty years at least.

Used piano does not generally come with a warranty. This makes it important for a buyer to carefully choose the instrument. Certain things must be kept in mind while buying a used piano. It is always better to buy used piano from a piano store rather than buying it from an online shop. Piano is an instrument that needs to be touched, heard and felt before buying. It becomes all the more necessary for used ones in order to carefully check the condition the piano is in. Plenty of piano stores sell used piano these days and it is better to check them out before actually buying one.

It is very important to do a history check of the used piano the buyer intends to buy. This should ideally include details about the previous owner if it’s available, how long the piano was with its past owner and how long it has been on the store. If possible it is also wise to find out why the previous owner sold the piano. If the buyer is new to the instrument it is always better to take along someone who has played a piano for some time and has a considerable experience and understanding of the instrument while buying. They can help assess whether the instrument is in good condition by playing it, listening to how it sounds and how it feels while they're playing it. A price comparison between the used one and other used pianos as well as the same model in brand new condition is also suggested. This would ensure that price to be paid for the used piano is worth.

If these factors can be kept in mind and followed carefully while visiting a piano store, a buyer can surely get the best deal when it comes to buying a used piano.

Source: Free Articles

Minggu, 11 Juli 2010

Guide For Rare Coin Collectors


Coin collecting is one hobby that is both fun and challenging. To help those who are looking for those rare coins, here is a list of hard to find ones that are worth moving “heaven and earth” for.

Gold coins are something of a rare commodity. They were circulated only until 1933, which makes them expensive when they are auctioned. The nice thing about gold is that its value probably will never go down - making it a good investment.

Another rare coin sought by collectors is the Liberty Seated Dollar. These were last produced some time in the 19th century and are considered to be a rare find.

From 1875 to 1878, twenty cent coins were minted. This coin looks very much like a quarter and since its value is very low today, it is a coin worth looking for.

The Barber half dollars are rare coins that were minted from 1892 until 1915 and are collected by people depending on date or type. One of the challenges that occurs when searching for this coin is finding one in good condition.

The 1917 type One Standing Liberty Quarter is another coin worth owning. It was only minted for 2 years and shows the exposed breast of Ms. Liberty. This design created such an uproar that it had to be replaced and was only circulated for a year.

Mercury dimes were produced periodically during the 20th century. The market value of them is $50 a piece.

The Walking Liberty Half Dollar is a beautiful coin for collectors. They were only circulated for 4 years and are considered to be one of the all time rare coins to ever exist.

The Texas Commemorative Half Dollar is another rare coin. Only 150,000 of these were minted over a 4 year period and just 60% to 80% of these are still available today making it one of the hardest coins to find today...

The most expensive coin is the $20 Saint Gaudens. This was sold in an auction for nearly $8 million. The design is truly superb and the value of it has never dropped even during the 1980-82 bear market.

Rare coins are truly a challenge for anyone who seeks to make this a mission in life. Not only are they hard to find but it they are expensive to acquire. Should a person have the funds available to purchase them then this adventure is truly something worth finishing.

Avoid Crafty Traps in Essay Writing

. Hidden pitfalls are on watch for your paper success in every paragraph of the essay you write. They are notorious misprints, insidious misspellings and numerous stylistic, syntax and format errors. Indeed they are your restless essay writing enemies, which are always on the alert, putting obstacles on your way to excellent grades for your writing assignments.
The drastic truth is that even slight mistakes make you freak out and lose the train of your thoughts. They evoke a fear of losing the main thread, give rise to uncertainty in your strengths and potential, dissipate your motivation to write and give the way to other distractions. Ultimately, make it challenging for you to complete your task at hand.
These minutiae seem to be minor for the inexperienced writer, but in fact they obscure an overall picture of your essay and occur to be crucial for the estimation of your work by professors, reflecting on your poor grades. Hence, essay writing pitfalls must be eradicated by all possible means.
Take these helpful hints to avoid crafty writing traps and forget about poor grades for your writing assignments once and all the time.
# Say No to poor thesis statement
Everything you write should develop around a clear central thesis statement. Good thesis statement zeroes in one main idea and states it clearly, avoiding ambiguous and vague phrases.
It should be specific, analytic and has to evaluate the significant insights of your essay. Strong thesis statement usually introduces the original approach to the traditional view on the problem.
# Avoid weak introduction and open-ended conclusion
Focus on one primary function of the introduction - to introduce your thesis statement clearly and precisely so that to grab the attention of the audience. The success strategy of writing your introduction is to start with the broad statement of your main idea and to close it with the actual thesis of your essay.
Don’t leave the unfinished and open-ended feeling at the end of your essay. Always remember that your paper must make its point clear right from the beginning and up to the logical ending.
Make your conclusion coherent and smooth and be sure to stress the significance of your work in the concluding part of your essay, pointing the ways in which your invaluable contributions can be applied.
# Beware of undeveloped essay
This problem is particularly common and results from not understanding clearly the essence of the chosen topic. Selecting your essay topic make sure to familiar with it completely and to ask yourself what you really feel passionate about and don’t forget to research it preliminary very thoroughly.
Your paper won’t produce an undeveloped impression if you provide your work with a solid argumentative ground, explaining clearly your view on the researched topic and elucidate the past attempts of the solution of this problem. So that to show the professor that you’ve got the core of the chosen topic at your finger tips.
# Never use slang language
Bear in mind that slang language and curse words are absolutely inappropriate in your work. Always remember that your targeted audience is educated professors. More over that college writing commonly implies the utilization of the formal style, which has definite frameworks.
# Don’t just recollect the events in your paper
Simple recollecting of the events is boring and unrecognizable to the reader and can become an absolute failure to the writer. “A good essay is one with imaginary appealing to the five senses.” Try to harness this strategy in your essay writing. Make your audience feel, taste, smell and hear everything you are narrating about.
Hope that these useful hints will help you gain the upper hand over your restless essay writing enemies, strengthen your writing skills and ultimately help you get excellent grades for your writing assignments.